Assessment and Evaluation

Assesment & Evaluation

At BAQHERS PUBLIC SCHOOL we have a strong belief in having a system for measuring attainment that is clear, easy to understand and consistent across the whole school. The BPS attainment chart allows parents to ‘monitor’ their child’s attainment across the whole school. Our assurance to parents is that at any point in the year our teachers will be able to inform you of how much progress your child is making and what score they are attaining on the BPS attainment chart..

BPS will monitor and assess individual student achievement and evaluate it against international benchmarks and exam results. An organized process will be used to support teachers in making consistent judgments.

At BAQHERS PUBLIC SCHOOL we have a strong belief in having a system for measuring attainment that is clear, easy to understand and consistent across the whole school. The BPS attainment chart allows parents to ‘monitor’ their child’s attainment across the whole school. Our assurance to parents is that at any point in the year our teachers will be able to inform you of how much progress your child is making and what score they are attaining on the BPS attainment chart..

BPS will monitor and assess individual student achievement and evaluate it against international benchmarks and exam results. An organized process will be used to support teachers in making consistent judgments.

Assessment will include:

  • Initial assessment on enrolment
  • A range of assessment processes and tools used to monitor individual progress and achievement
  • Data to demonstrate individualized learning
  • The use of data for targeted teaching
  • Data to inform school curriculum planning and implementation
  • The process and method of moderation in order to strengthen teacher consistency, judgment, and comparability of reported results.

    BPS uses international assessments objectives, externally assessed examinations and Moderated Internal Assessment objectives, for benchmarking students’ progress and/ or exiting BPS.


How do we assess?

In Kindergarten, assessment is a tool used to gather and provide teachers, parents and families with critical information about a child’s development and growth. Observing and documenting a child’s work and performance over the course of a year allows us to accumulate a record of the child’s growth and development. With this information, teachers can begin to plan appropriate curriculum and effective individualized instruction for each child.

In Kindergarten, assessment is a tool used to gather and provide teachers, parents and families with critical information about a child’s development and growth. Observing and documenting a child’s work and performance over the course of a year allows us to accumulate a record of the child’s growth and development. With this information, teachers can begin to plan appropriate curriculum and effective individualized instruction for each child.

When do we assess?

We assess the students throughout the year informally and formally. These assessments come in the form of observation, particularly useful examples of internal assessment are checklists, students’ journals, in-class work, peer reviews and portfolios (digital).


How do we assess?

We use the learning objectives from the CBSE Curriculum to assess student learning. Through observation, questioning and marking, teachers assess what each student has learnt. Measuring learning allows the teacher to judge how much progress has been made. The BPS Attainment chart can be used to track the students’ progress.

When do we assess?

We assess students throughout the year both formally and informally. We prepare students for formal testing, this allows teachers to find out what students have ‘really’ learnt. At BPS student progress and attainment is not solely measured by testing. Students’ work also serve as a strong evidence for their attainment. For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities in the following areas like ‘Work Education’, ‘Art Education’ and ‘Health and Physical Education (Sports/Martial Arts/Yoga/are also carried out by the teachers.


How do we assess?

We use the learning objectives from the CBSE Curriculum to assess student learning. To increase the confidence in the students to start preparing for class X Board examination when they join the upper primary stage in class VI, we strictly follow the CBSE uniform system of assessment and examination pattern. While keeping in view the provisions of Right to Education Act, 2009, the scheme for Grades VI- VIII has been designed on Term Assessment basis with gradual increase in the learning assessment as the students move forward. This would prepare the students to cover the whole syllabus of the academic year and face the challenge of class X Board examination, and would thus, ensure the ‘quality of education’. For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities in the following areas like ‘Work Education’, ‘Art Education’ and ‘Health and Physical Education (Sports/Martial Arts/Yoga are also carried out by the teachers.

When do we assess?

We assess students throughout the year both formally and informally. We prepare students for formal testing, this allows teachers to find out what students have ‘really’ learnt. This formal testing is done through periodic testing and termly exams. Students’ works in the form of ‘Subject Enrichment Activities’ are carried out throughout the term, however, they should be evaluated at the term-end. Practical work and activities in science may be undertaken as suggested by the NCERT Syllabus and Text Books.


How do we assess?

Assessment in the secondary phase is linked to learning priorities. Teachers are familiar with the appropriate administration of assessment tasks.NCERT syllabus in the upper primary stage provides uniformity in the assessment structure. Teachers work together to develop school-wide expectations and goals for students, based on aggregated and analyzed student achievement data as directed by the CBSE. The expectations and learning priorities are meaningful and specific. Teachers regularly assessed student achievement. They use this information to determine student placement in flexible groupings within classrooms, to ensure learning needs were met in Grade 9 to 10, through course planning and programme implementation.


As per CBSE directives there will be only two Term Examinations upto Std V. A five point Grading Scale will be used for evaluation. The weightage of marks will be as follows:
Type of Exam Percentage of weightage in academic session
First  Term :Evaluation – 1:
1.Term End Exam 60%
2.Project/Skill/Test/Assignment etc 40%
Total 100%
Second Term: Evaluation – 2:
1.Unit Test 40%
2.Skill 60%
Total  100%
Evaluation – 3:  
1.Term End Exam 60%
2.Project/Skill/Test/Assignment etc 40 %
Total 100%


  1. CBSE has restored annual examination system with effect from 2017-18.
  2. The whole evaluation is divided broadly into two parts, Annual Examination & Internal assessment.
  3. Half yearly examination (VI to VIII) carries 80 marks covering entire syllabus of Term-I.
  4. Annual examination will comprise of 80 marks as per the following in different grades
    1. Class VI                  :           10% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term
    2. Class VII                 :           20% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term
    3. Class VIII                :           30% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term
    4. Class  IX & X          :           Complete syllabus
  5. Internal assessment (VI to VIII) carries 20 marks and it comprises of Periodic test (10 marks), Notebook maintenance (5 marks) & Subject Enrichment (5 marks).
  6. Internal assessment (IX & X) carries 20 marks and it comprises of Periodic Assessments (3 periodic tests (average of best 2 will be converted to 5 marks) & Multiple Assessment (5 marks)), Portfolio (5 marks) & Subject Enrichment (5 marks).

Internal Assessment :

1)    Periodic Test

  • Class VI to VIII (10 marks)   :          Academically 1 periodic test will be conducted in each term.
  • Class IX & X (5 marks)        :          Academically 3 Tests will be conducted by the school and average of best 2 will be submitted at the time of final marks submission.

2)   Notebook Submission (VI to X : 5 Marks) : Notebook submission/worksheets maintenance is a part of Internal Assessment which is aimed at enhancing seriousness among students to prepare classroom notes of the topics being taught in the class. This also addresses the critical aspect of Regularity, Assignment Completion, Handwriting Neatness & Upkeep, Accuracy and Submission of Notebook/Worksheet folder.

3)   Subject Enrichment (VI to X : 5 marks) : These are subject specific activities aimed at enrichment of the understanding & skill development. The activities will be recorded internally by the respective subject teachers.

Ø For Languages : Activities shall be conducted to develop Speaking and Listening skills.

Ø For Science & Mathematics : The listed practical works, projects or activities shall be carried out as prescribed by CBSE.

Ø For Social Science: Map Work & Project work will be carried out as prescribed by CBSE in the       curriculum.

4)   Multiple Assessment (IX & X : 5 marks) : To assess learners with multiple and diverse techniques viz. Observation, Oral Tests, Individual or Group work, Class Discussion, Field Work, Concept Maps, Graphic Organizers, Visual Representation etc, school uses alternate modes of assessment as per the demand of the subject.

5)   Portfolio (IX & X : 5 marks) : A portfolio is a purposeful collection of intentionally chosen students’ work representing a selection of performances that is assembled over time and describes the learners’ efforts, progress, growth and achievement in key areas learning outcomes. It holds the performance records and documents a student has produced during the learning course.

6)    6th additional subject (class 6th to class 10th only) will be assessed as notified. (subject to confirmation from CBSE).

7)      Students of grade VI to IX should secure 33% in total in Annual Exam and Internal Assessment to be promoted to the next grade.

8)      Students of grade X should secure 33% in total in Board Examination and Internal Assessment to be declared as pass.

9)      Students of grade VI to IX will be graded on a 9 point grading scale while grade X will be positional grading by CBSE.

10)  Co-Scholastic Area :

  • Co-Scholastic Activities will be assessed on a 5 point grading scale by the concerned teacher framing effective tools for the same.
  • Grading will not have any descriptive indicators and students will not be upgraded based on the co-scholastic grades.
  • Co-Scholastic area will cover Work Education/Pre Vocational Education/Art Education/Health & Physical Education.

11)  Students will be graded by the class teachers for discipline in a 5 point grading scale considering the attendance, sincerity, behavior and values.


1)  Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year’s performance of the pupil; hence the importance of regularity in attendance and work need not be over-emphasized.  

2)  No student is eligible for promotion unless he /she has 75% of attendance counted from the opening day of the academic year.  Shortage up to 15% may be condoned by the Principal on the recommendation of the concerned supervisor based on valid reasons like:

  1. prolonged illness
  2. loss of a member in the family
  3. Any other reasons of similar serious nature

Cases of candidates with attendance below 60% will not be considered.

3)   Students are not permitted to use calculators during examination.

4)  Writing on the question paper is prohibited and will be construed as malpractice (except on self answering sheets).

5)  If a student is found using unfair means during an examination, he / she will be given “Zero” in the paper and his / her Examination will be cancelled.

6) Any incident of tampering with the examination records will be considered a serious offence and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

7)   Re-exams will not be conducted for students who are absent for an exam or a class test. Consistent overlooking of the academic work will not be condoned. Deficiency must be covered up before promotion is considered.


Reference to the guidelines under CBSE Promotion policy:

In order to be declared PASS:

  • A student must secure 33% in total in Annual Exam and Internal Assessment to be promoted to the next grade.

Ø  Compartmental Examination :

  • A student failed in maximum of two subjects onlywill be considered for compartmental exam.
  • If the child fails in compartmental examination or in more than 2 subjects, he/she will be detained in grade IX.